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Mangotsfield Secondary

SEND & Inclusion

Special Education Needs & Inclusion

Severn Beach Primary is supported by both CSET and the local authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.

All support will ensure that Severn Beach is as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen.


Inclusion at Severn Beach Primary

Severn Beach Primary is committed to providing high quality education to every child.

We believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs or a disability, have a common entitlement to an accessible, broad and balance academic and social curriculum and that they should be fully included in all aspects of school life.

Severn Beach Primary is committed to inclusion.

Please click here to view our school information report.  

We aim to

  • develop cultures, policies and practices that include all learners
  • develop a sense of community and belonging
  • have high aspirations for all learners
  • provide appropriate and stimulating learning activities for all children

A few children with more complex needs will have SEN identified at a very young age and may have an Education, Health and Care Plan before they start school.

Other children may experience difficulties with learning, behaviour or social skills at any time in their school life.  We aim to identify children’s difficulties at an early stage and work with you to help resolve them.  We do this through what is called ‘School Support’.

Below are some answers to questions you may have about our SEN provision

How does the school know if a child needs extra help?

Your child’s class teacher continually assesses how they are progressing with their learning. In addition we look at the progress every child is making every term. If a child is working below expected levels or is making slower than expected progress, we will consider whether they need extra help.

If your child has been identified as having a special educational need before they join us, the SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator) at their previous school or nursery should contact the school and pass on information on your child’s needs.

What should I do if I think my child has SEN?

In the first instance you should talk to your child’s class teacher about your concerns. They may carry out some observation or assessment, or may arrange for your child to have some support in a small group to target an area they are finding difficult.

If there are still concerns following this, you and the class teacher may wish to discuss your child’s difficulties with the school SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator). The CSET primary schools (Severn Beach, Charfield and Lyde Green) share SENCO support from a member of staff based at Lyde Green. Appointments with the SENCO can be arranged as necessary.

How will I know that the school will support my child?

If your child has SEN, they will receive ‘SEN Support’. This might mean that your child takes part in a intervention group around a subject or particular skill. In more complex cases, a child may need a more individual plan for their support, drawn up by the class teacher in consultation with you and the SENCO. The plan will contain targets, and the strategies and resources that will be used to help your child achieve them. The plan will be reviewed and shared with you and your child at least three times a year. 

How will the curriculum be matched to meet my child’s needs?

When class teachers are planning their lessons, they think about the needs of all the children in the class. The aim is for all children to work on the same topics, but learning outcomes or resources may be adapted for individuals or groups of children.

How will I know how my child is doing?

You will be invited to meet with your child’s class teacher three times a year to review their progress. 

How will you help me to support my child’s learning?

There are frequent opportunities to come into school and find out about ways of supporting your child’s learning in different areas of the curriculum. In addition, your child’s class teacher or the SENCO may be able to suggest ways of helping your child with specific areas of difficulty in, for example, reading, spelling or numeracy.

What support will there be to support my child’s overall well-being?

Every member of staff takes an interest in children’s social and emotional well-being. If you have any specific concerns, do talk to your child’s class teacher. Several members of staff are trained in first aid and are on duty at break and lunchtimes.

If your child has medical needs, they may have a health care plan drawn up by the school nurse. This plan may include the administration of medication or medical techniques if these are an ongoing need. We are not able to administer medication for short term needs. Please see our Policy on Medical Needs for further detail.

What specialist services or expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

School staff also have wide experience of meeting the needs of pupils with a range of special educational needs.They have also had training around meeting a variety of different needs including dyslexia, ASD and attachment

The school currently purchases support from the local authority’s Educational Psychology Service. We are also able to access Speech and Language for our younger children if necessary.

What training have staff supporting pupils with SEND had, or are they having?

All staff have annual training from the school nurse on medical needs, so that they are aware of emergency action to be taken for pupils who have conditions such as epilepsy or severe allergies.

Recent training for all staff has included workshops on supporting children with English as an Additional Language, Attachement, ASD and Dyslexia.

Staff supporting individual pupils who have an EHCP may be given more specific training on a child's needs. This may be provided by specialist staff or therapists involved with the child.

How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom?

A number of clubs run after school. Those clubs run by school staff are fully inclusive. If your child needs individual support, school staff will aim to provide this (although this cannot be guaranteed, as staff give their time on a voluntary basis). Some clubs are run by outside organizers. You will need to talk to the club leader about your child’s needs.

There are curriculum trips for every class. These are carefully planned to ensure that every child can be included.

Older children may take part in residential visits. The venues for these are carefully researched to ensure that the accommodation and activities are suitable for everyone.

How will the school support my child in starting school and moving on?

The Reception Class team liaise with pre-school settings to meet children in the summer term. There is an evening meeting for parents of all new Reception children in June. The children are invited into school on several afternoons in the summer term. If your child has been identified as having SEN, the Reception Class Teacher and/or SENCO will make links with your child’s pre-school setting. We will meet with you to discuss your child’s needs and any ways we can help your child to settle into school.

When your child is due to move onto secondary school, we will make links with the school so that we can share information. All Year 6 pupils are prepared for transition through class and group activities. For some pupils it may help to carry out these activities in a smaller group with an adult. Some pupils may benefit from additional visits to their secondary school and we can help to arrange this.

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to pupils’ SEN?

The school receives money from the Local Authority to support students who have been identified through a Statement of SEN or Education, Health and Care Plan. This money is spent on providing additional staff, equipment and resources to support a child’s needs.

The needs of other pupils with SEN are met from within the school’s overall budget. The school follows a graduated approach to supporting pupils based on their needs.

How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?

You will be invited to meet with your child’s class teacher and/or the SENCO at least three times a year.

If your child has a Statement of SEN or Education, Health & Care Plan, there will be an Annual Review Meeting when everyone involved with your child will be invited to discuss their progress and plan for their education.

Who can parents contact for further information?

Your first point of contact for any concerns is your child’s Class Teacher.

If you have a query about SEN procedures in school or about getting further advice, you can contact the Headteacher who will liaise with the SENCO.